Sniper. The White Raven follows the journey of Mykola, a Ukrainian physics teacher with an unshakable belief in pacifism and environmentalism. Living a peaceful, modest life in the Donbas region with his wife, Mykolaβs existence is forever changed when war descends upon his homeland. His dreams of creating an eco-hut in the wilds with his wife are shattered as he is forced to witness the brutality of the conflict firsthand.
A tragedy strikes, leaving Mykola with little choice but to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Despite his peaceful nature, he embarks on a quest for vengeance and purpose, enrolling as a sniper for his country. Driven by both a personal vendetta and a newfound sense of duty, Mykola transforms from a man who once cherished life in all forms into a precise, calculating sharpshooter.
Under rigorous training, he earns his nickname, “The White Raven” β a rare figure in the battlefield, embodying resilience and almost mythical accuracy. As he embarks on numerous missions, his role becomes clear: to outsmart and neutralize Russian snipers. Mykola is not just a soldier but a symbol of resistance and a harbinger of fear for those who threaten his people.
The film is based on real events, portraying the intense psychological transformation of a man torn between his core beliefs and the harsh realities of warfare.