The Secret of NIMH, based on Robert C. O’Brien’s novel Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, is a beloved 1982 animated fantasy that centers around courage, survival, and intelligence. The story follows Mrs. Brisby, a humble field mouse who faces daunting challenges as she strives to protect her family. Living in a small home on the Fitzgibbon family farm, Mrs. Brisby faces a life-altering crisis when her son Timothy falls gravely ill just as the plowing season begins. Moving her frail son from their home to a safer area is impossible due to his illness, and the threat of the oncoming tractor is imminent.
Desperate to save her family, Mrs. Brisby seeks help from the wise and mysterious Great Owl, who tells her to consult the Rats of NIMH. These highly intelligent rats live beneath the rosebush on the Fitzgibbon farm, and Mrs. Brisby soon learns their secret: they once were ordinary lab rats. After being captured and experimented on at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the rats gained human-level intelligence, enabling them to read, build advanced technology, and develop complex social structures. With this knowledge, the rats escaped the lab and created their own thriving society.
Led by the wise and noble Nicodemus, the rats have created a unique, self-sustaining underground world. However, they are divided on their future; some, like Nicodemus, wish to live honorably and independently from humans, while others, like the ambitious and treacherous Jenner, prefer to continue relying on the humansβ resources. Despite their advanced intelligence and abilities, the rats face their own existential challenges, torn between a future of self-sufficiency and the lure of human conveniences.
Mrs. Brisby bravely approaches Nicodemus and explains her plight, pleading for help to save her son and her home. In a selfless gesture, the rats agree to move her house to safety, even as this decision intensifies the internal conflict among them. Tensions culminate when Jenner plots to sabotage the rescue attempt, hoping to gain control of the rats’ society by taking down Nicodemus.
During the intense final act, Mrs. Brisby discovers her own bravery and resourcefulness. She manages to rally the rats, confront Jenner, and ultimately succeed in the mission to save her family. The climactic struggle highlights themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and courage, showing that even the smallest individuals can make a profound impact.
The Secret of NIMH is an inspiring tale of an unassuming heroine who rises to the occasion to protect her family and a complex rat society grappling with ethical choices. With its rich animation, suspenseful storyline, and deep moral questions, this film remains a powerful exploration of bravery, intelligence, and the lengths one will go to for loved ones.